Enter registered post tracking number in the above form and press 'Track Registered Post' to check the status of your consignments. Our tracking system is absolutely secure as we don't store any data or tracking numbers with us.
India post is the largest postal network in the world touching the lives of every citizen of India. It has two types of services. They are traditional services and premium services. Here, a traditional service means non taxable and premium services means taxable. Registered Post or Registration is a traditional service. It makes the transmission to article more secure, as it passes through the hands from the consignee to recipient under special precautions. It is best traditional service that transmits the goods which shall not contain prohibited items and shall be handed to the recipient.
Registration is established by the department of the Indian post office. This facility by the postal department is considered as leader in the industry for last twenty years, which is considered to be the fastest way to deliver across the globe. It is just like similar to ordinary post. But it has some extra features, those are it is safe, secure and delivered to the exact person. And also require the signature of the recipient at the time of delivery. When taking the parcel, the recipient should submit the proof of his identity. The status of the package can be checked through register post tracking tool via online.
Registered parcel price is high, when compared to normal and speed post. This is generally used by public institutions, government jobs, university applications, government exam applications, private business communications, media, philatelists and also used in bank services like credit cards, debit cards and others. In these all communications the recipient signature and proof of identity is required. Normally, it takes to deliver 2 to 7 days.
Here we will know how to track the status of the consignment booked via registered parcel through the official website.
Before booking a mail by registered parcel at post office, please read carefully the following advantages or disadvantages.
Registration is available in all departmental postal offices in India, it delivers across the different parts of the nation and globe. And we know the advantages of registered Post, if we want safe, secure and not very urgent then opt this, otherwise opt speed post for fast, reliable delivery. Finally, by entering the registered post tracking number in the above form or in the official website, you can find the status of the consignment.